skylight in metal roof

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Praveena Dixit asked 8 years ago

Hi there,

We have a gerard usa stone coated metal roof and several massive skylights. We need to replace the skylights, due to carpenter ant issues/seals broken as I’m sure the flashing was not done adequately. The skylights are more than 20 years old. They don’t leak into the house, but I’m pretty sure we have ice damms in the winter. I’d like to replace them with a smaller scale VELUX style as they seem to have flashing especially designed for higher profiled roofs.

I"m not even sure where to start with making the shaft smaller, as I’m sure I’d have to add more rafters/trusses (I’m not even sure what we have) in our vaulted ceiling. Do I remove the drywall on the interior to see what type of structure I’m dealing with, then call an engineer along with a skylight installer?

Any concerns you may have?

I tried attaching a picture, but it asks for a ‘url’ when I try. It doesn’t give me the option of uploading a picture and I can’t seem to copy the picture here either. If you were to email me back, I could provide several pictures. Thanks kindly

1 Answers
Leo B answered 8 years ago


I would suggest and higly recommend to not downsize your skylights.

You can order new Velux skylights in the same size as your old ones, so all you’d have to do is lift and replace… well a little mor that that…

What you really don’t want is to start disturbing the roof. Gerard and ALL similar stone coated sustems are made to be installed once and not be ever touched…. I’m generally not a fan of the stone coated metal roofs, but that’s a topic for different conversation.

You are concerned with a wrong thing in my opinion – reaming for new (smaller) skylight is very much straigth forward… but redoing flashing on a roof that’s made to nover be disturbed is a much biger problem…

You would have to get new roof flashing kit, new panels, open seams/overlaps remove panels, replace, make sure all flashing is fitted correclty, and then put everything back together, all the while, very stiff and subborn roof panels are in the way.

I think the end result would be an almost guaranteed leak.

So – just get new skylights in the same size and replace old ones.

It will be much cheaper and straight forward and you will avoid roof leaks.

Good luck, Leo

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