Least expensive metal roofing that is also durable?

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Joyce Alvino asked 8 years ago


First of all I am sorry that I do not have a photo of my roof, I am at work and I just came across your information. Here is my question. I have property in West Virginia and it used to be a huge garage for timber trucks with two apartments above. The building has 3 bay doors, one of them can accomadate an 18 wheeler. The current roof is the old gray metal kind. I am having some leaking problems and I want to eventually replace. My problem is that this property is used as a vacation place and is mostly empty. I just want something that is not too expensive and it will last for a while. I do not care about aestetics, I am looking for durabality and cost saving. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank You

1 Answers
Leo B answered 8 years ago

H Joice

The first thing i recommend is to try repairing the roof. Since you have a metal roof it should be fairly easy fo some one who knows metal roofs to find source of leak, and fix it…

Next – when you are ready to replace – cheapest option is r-panel metal roof.. its actually cheaper than asphalt shingles.

Hope this helps. Leo

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