Our team at All About Doors provides a range of garage door repair services to customers within the Portland metropolitan areas. For people that open their garage everyday, we can install high cycle garage door springs that will last longer than the generic garage door springs typically installed. And if your springs break our technicians are happy to repair any broken springs and get your garage working like new. After years of use, all garage doors start to wear and could show signs of damage. Dents or peeling paint, cracks and broken panels are all common occurances with aging garage doors. This is why All About Doors provides new garage door installation on top of garage door repair services. We want our customers to have a beautiful and asthetically pleasing garage door that adds curb appeal to their home, as well as one that functions at it’s best. If a whole door is not needed our technicians can simply replace a single panel, fix a broken garage door spring, or whatever portion is damaged. We provide our garage door repair services for all models and ensure that our customers are completely satisfied with our services.
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