Estimate re-roofing costs in the UK and other Western European Countries! This tool helps homeowners calculate the approximate price to install a new Clay or Concrete Tile, or a single ply membrane on your residence in Great Britain, Ireland and Western Europe.
Prices for UK are in GBP, and in Euros for Ireland and other Western European countries.
This tool is created as an alternative to our main calculator, which is designed for US and Canada, calculating prices in USD, using sq. ft (vs. the metric system used in Europe).
To calculate your roof in Feet, use Imperial (US / Canada) Roof Calculator.
Intuitive “Roof Size” Pricing
This tool estimates your roof repair / replacement costs based on many variables, one of which is SIZE. However, as with most other services, the smaller the job, the more you pay PER UNIT (in this case square meter).
Based on your inputs, the calculator will automatically adjust cost / M2 up or down, for smaller jobs.
Since most roof projects in UK / Europe are REPAIRS and not a complete replacement, you will see cost / M2 go down as roof size increases and vise-versa.
In general, in most of UK, “average” cost of repairing a Tile/Slate roof is £90-100 per M2. This includes materials and re-use of old materials.
Since costs vary greatly between large metro areas (London / Dublin / Paris / other big cities) and “more rural” areas, the cost calculated by this tool leans toward the “middle”.
Limitations of this calculator:
Because this tool covers a large geographic area (UK, Ireland, Western Europe) and prices are calculated in different currencies (Pound Sterling and Euros), there can be large discrepancies in the MATERIAL and LABOR costs between different countries and for different materials.
1) Regional differences
Local economic conditions in different countries across Europe, material costs, VAT and other taxes can and will affect the actual cost of labor and materials.
2) Materials costs and availability
Some of the materials presented in this tool may or may not be available in your region, and the actual cost may differ significantly from the one quoted by our calculator. We sourced our prices from a large supplier in the UK. Most materials are “generic” and if they are manufactured locally, they can cost much less than the figure produced by this tool.
Chimney and skylight cost is for flashing work ONLY, and does not include new windows or the building of new chimneys.
All materials include UK’s VAT.
3) Labor differences
Again, because of wide geographic spread, installation prices may differ significantly. This tool is designed to include installation of material over an EXISTING roof deck / space boards, and does not take into account any replacement / repair costs.
4) Other limitations
Due to the constantly changing exchange rates, we set our rates at €1.22 for £1.00, which is the current rate reported by Google (as of May 5, 2014). We will not update this exchange rate unless there will be a major change.
£ (Pound Sterling) is used as the BASE rate, from which prices are calculated in Euros. If the exchange rate changes dramatically, use Pounds as your base price and multiply by the current cost in Euros.
We will be updating this calculator in times when major fluctuations in local materials and labor costs will occur.
PLEASE REPORT ANY ERRORS AND INCONSISTENCIES – you can do so by submitting a comment below.

For over 20 years Leo has run a successful roofing business in New England, specializing in metal roofing, as well as cool flat roofing technologies. Having replaced and installed hundreds of roofs in New England, Leo has first hand experience with pretty much every residential roofing material and roofing manufacturer available in the US.